
Hospital Visits & Nursing - Sandy Smits

Sandy has a gift for working among the sick and frail and – as a qualified nursing sister – Sandy is able to administer primary healthcare, as well as love and encouragement. However, a number of the senior folk in need of attention are unable to cover the cost of the actual medication which Sandy administers.

  • If you are able to assist with a contribution towards the costs of medication, or if you have an old wheelchair, crutches or medical appliances, we’d love your help.
V-Team - Steve & Jean Rowley

Steve and Jean’s team regularly visit those who are shut-in, or in need have company, building up relationships both with those folk and with their families, and looking out for their emotional well-being.

  • This ministry requires some commitment, but little qualification – other than a compassionate heart and a friendly soul.
Transport - Elizabeth de Villiers

The transport ministry escorts those folk unable to transport themselves to doctors; shopping; banking; to church, etc.

  • Do you have a) transport and b) time to assist from time to time when the need arises?



Philadelphia Outreach - Brenda Romburgh

A Group from our congregation helps a number of Grade 6 learners at Moelenhof Primary School in Philadelphia with their English and Maths once a week on a Monday afternoon.

  • Can you spare 2 hours on a Monday to help a child learn English? No teaching experience required, only a willingness to help.
Soup Kitchen - Cheryl Visser

The bible declares that “the poor will always be with you”, and indeed we have our share of underprivileged, homeless and hungry people right here on our doorstep. Jesus also tells us “what you do for the least of these, you do for me”. This is why the churches in Durbanville feed the hungry.

Once a week dpc takes a turn to make and serve soup at the Durbanville Soup Kitchen.

  • We need people able to make a pot of soup from time to time (on a roster basis)
  • Folk who can serve at the soup kitchen on a Thursday morning
  • Donations of ingredients for soup
  • Financial contributions for purchase of bread, and if possible a fruit and or yoghurt


Little Treasures - Ann O Donovan

Ann offers support and help for new mothers at Tygerberg Hospital in the form of toys and care packages.

If you would like to be a part of this wonderful ministry, please contact the office or speak to Ann



Simonsberg Christian Centre - Izak & Estelle Fourie

Simonsberg Christian Centre near Stellenbosch is a picturesque outdoor facility that offers an ideal venue for church family camps, men/ladies retreats and youth/school adventure camps. Outdoor adventure and experiential programs are also presented to develop, equip and transform lives.

Evangelism - Evert Eek

Evert Eek runs a one-on-one discipleship program called, the Timothy Program when this is needed. The Timothy Program focuses on personal Christian growth. The material is scripturally based and encourages Christians to grow and share that growth with the rest of the world.

Mission Support - Bradley Joshua

DPC supports a number of Missionary families in the way of Prayer and finances. We receive their newsletters and post them on our notice boards in the Church and often share their prayer and financial needs with the congregation. There can never be enough support for missions.

  • Your contribution (however small) of either finances or time, can help with the growth of these ministries