Welcoming Team - Louise Scott
If you are new to our congregation and would like to take the next step in your involvement, please look on the “What’s Next” table in the church and consider where you might be able to get involved.
“What’s Next?” - Louise Scott
Visitors’ Packs offer something to make visitors feel welcome and a little information about us. Louise makes up these packs.
- Donations towards the cost of these packs are always welcome.
Visitors Packs - Louise Scott
Visitors’ Packs offer something to make visitors feel welcome and a little information about us. Louise makes up these packs.
- Donations towards the cost of these packs are always welcome.
DPC Women - Sally Langerman
Monthly motivational meetings for all the ladies of our community.
- Watch out for the regular announcements, and join these ladies for some fellowship and encouraging input.
Fusion Youth - Emma Langerman
The Youth Fellowship (High School learners) of DPC & BPC together - meet every Friday evening during the school term for 07h30 until 10h00, to socialise in a supervised and wholesome environment. Social evenings are alternated with evenings of worship and teaching on topics of interest to, and selected by the youth themselves. Leaders keep contact with the youth through WhatsApp, and social marketing through Instagram and Facebook.
New Members - Peter Langerman
Those wanting to join the congregation usually want a better understanding of the theology and doctrine of the Presbyterian Church in general, as well as to know more about the life and work of our congregation in particular. Prior to joining, prospective members meet with our ministers and sessions where these details and the commitment which they will be making in joining the congregation are explained.
- Let us know if you’d like to become a member of dpc
Catering - Gail Skeens
Pam and her team cater for our official functions and other congregation meals and events as required.
- Can you be called on for an occasional plate of eats?
- Are you willing to help wash up at functions?
Sunday Teas - Louise Scott
Tea & Coffee is served in the bottom hall after service each Sunday in order to facilitate fellowship between members and to welcome visitors.
- Are you available to assist with serving tea on a Sunday morning on a rotational basis?