We are a church that is committed to proclaiming and living out the Lordship of Christ and loving one another in Christ. Our service times are 9.15 am and 6.30 pm - feel free to visit us on the corner of Louw and Hafele Streets in Durbanville.


The Congregation of Durbanville Presbyterian Church adheres to the following essential truths of Christian doctrine:-

  1. There is only one true and living God;
  2. God's self-disclosure in Jesus Christ and in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit reveals the triune nature of one God existing in three eternally distinct but indivisible ways of being: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit;
  3. God created all the universe and created it very good;
  4. Yet all human beings, however real their virtues, are trapped in a state of sin and guilt, and unable to rescue themselves or put themselves right with God;
  5. God in holy love and grace has acted in Jesus Christ (through his incarnation, ministry, life, teaching, death, bodily resurrection and exaltation) atone for our sins, rescue us from judgment, reconcile us with God and reveal God's nature and will to us;
  6. As both fully divine and fully human, Christ is the only Mediator between God and humankind, their only Saviour and the decisive revelation of God as God is;
  7. The Holy Spirit working within us convicts us of sin and enables us to accept God's saving and sustaining grace in Christ by faith and living according to God's holy will;
  8. God's self-disclosure in Jesus Christ and outpouring of the Holy Spirit reveal God as Father, Son and Spirit; yet all three are one and the same indivisible God; all exist eternally with, for and in one another;
  9. The Word of God in Scripture, preaching, personal witness and the sacraments conveys the gospel to us and so is the means by which God saves us through faith in Christ;
  10. We are put right with God only by God's grace in Jesus Christ, when we receive Christ as Lord and Saviour, which we do through faith alone;
  11. True faith involves obedience to Christ as Lord and Saviour: "only the person who believes is obedience, and only the person who is obedient believes";
  12. As Christ is Lord over every area of life, this obedience means to obey his will in both the private and the public areas;
  13. In Christ there is no ground for separation or discrimination between people on the grounds of race, colour, social status, or gender, either in Church or in State;
  14. The gospel calls us to worship regularly with God's people, to meditate on Scripture and be diligent in prayer;
  15. God demands strict chastity outside of marriage and exclusive faithfulness in marriage;
  16. God calls the Church to be a Church for others; a missionary Church reaching out to the world with the gospel and a serving Church seeking to serve society and aiding the poor;
  17. God calls the Church to serve as a sentinel vis-à-vis the State, calling the Government to order for any unjust policies and practices;
  18. We are to use our own money not only to care for ourselves and our families but to aid the poor and support the Church;
  19. We are to care about, and care for, the environment;
  20. God does not stand aloof from us but cares for us all and is present with us in all our tragedies and our joys;
  21. A day is appointed when God will come in the person of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to judge the living and the dead and will triumph in victory over all evil, sin, oppression, suffering and death itself.